Concert Videos and Photography

A professional video recording is produced of each graduation concert. Each graduating student will receive will receive video access via Vimeo to the recording of the concert they perform in. Absolutely no photography of any kind is allowed in Spivey Hall during the performances.

Recording Guidelines

Record the student's performance on an acoustic piano that is in tune. Clear any clutter from around the piano and eliminate background noise.

It is suggested that students dress as they would for a live performance because they usually play better when dressed up. No bare feet, and nothing on wrists and fingers. It is best for hair to be pulled back and secure.

Rehearse beginning and ending the piece to avoid awkward moments before and after playing. Students should not look at the camera before or after the performance.

When recording Level One Twinkles, the teacher should play the accompaniment on a second piano. Please include the student performing a bow before performing the required piece Allegro on the video.

All videos are to be uploaded to YouTube and sent with an unlisted link to

Evaluation of Videos

The graduation program serves as a source of research for teachers on how to improve student performances. Research meetings are held in which teachers view and study the graduation concert videos as well as videos of students preparing for graduation.

Each recorded performance will be evaluated for:

  • Ability to "get ready" above the keys with good body balance and posture, and maintain it throughout the piece

  • Memorization including correct notes and rhythmic accuracy

  • Ability to produce good tone with flexible fingertips

  • Ability to express the music through phrase shape and dynamics

  • Ability to balance singing melody with quiet accompaniment

  • Ability to stay on the rhythm and express the meter of the pieces at an appropriate tempo

If you have any questions about the Graduation Program please contact the AASPA Graduation Committee.